Equipoise: The Overlooked Anabolic Steroid for Lean Gains

Equipoise, often used for veterinary purposes, has found a unique place in the world of bodybuilding and athletic performance due to its balanced risk-to-reward profile. This close relative of the renowned Dianabol brings its own set of qualities to the table.

Historical Evolution

The story of Equipoise, also known as boldenone undecylenate, begins with the pharmaceutical company Ciba, the same creators of Dianabol. Initially intended for use in horses and cattle, it later saw human application. Sold under the name Parenabol, it served in the treatment of osteoporosis and similar conditions.

Balanced Properties

Chemical similarities with Dianabol are apparent, with a key difference being that Equipoise doesn’t require a liver-protecting structural alteration. Instead, it features the undecylenate ester, providing a slow-release mechanism when injected. Equipoise’s focus isn’t extreme muscle mass gain but rather muscle preservation, making it a valuable addition to both cutting and bulking steroid cycles. It offers notable benefits in strength and endurance.


Equipoise’s unique quality lies in its ability to stimulate red blood cell production, which increases oxygen delivery to muscles. Enhanced oxygen supply is crucial for optimal muscle function and performance, making this feature highly desirable for bodybuilders.


With minimal androgenic effects, Equipoise is a preferred choice for female athletes when used in conservative doses. Dosages typically range from 25-50 milligrams per week. Any signs of virilization should prompt immediate discontinuation.

Equipoise vs. Dianabol

 Equipoise stands apart from Dianabol, offering a lean and defined musculature as opposed to Dianabol’s bulking effects. Furthermore, its longer-lasting nature means it remains active in the body for extended periods.

Equipoise vs. Deca

Equipoise’s similarity to Deca Durabolin in terms of lean muscle gains and minimal side effects has made it a popular substitute. It offers a moderate level of water retention and aromatization, making it an ideal candidate for stacking with other steroids.

Mild Side Effects

The side effects of Equipoise are generally mild, with any potential estrogenic effects manageable through ancillary drugs like Nolvadex or Proviron. Androgenic effects like oily skin, acne, and hair loss are typically related to high dosages and are less common with moderate use.

Appetite Increases

 Equipoise is known to significantly boost appetite. While not detrimental to health, it may pose challenges during cutting cycles. Starting with a lower dose can help mitigate these effects.

Post-Cycle Therapy

Equipoise, like most anabolic steroids, suppresses natural testosterone production, emphasizing the importance of a well-planned post-cycle therapy (PCT). Using compounds like Nolvadex and Clomid can help maintain hormonal balance and prevent sexual dysfunction.

Recommended Dosages

Bodybuilders typically administer 400-600 milligrams of boldenone undecylenate per week, with some experienced users pushing it to 800 milligrams weekly. Its extended half-life allows for longer cycles, usually spanning 14-18 weeks, while some advanced bodybuilders opt for 20-week cycles. Equipoise pairs well with steroids like Anadrol or Sustanon for bulking and complements cutting cycles when combined with Winstrol or Trenbolone.


Equipoise has a half-life of around 14 days and clears from the body in approximately six weeks. However, traces can linger in the system for up to two years, making it a consideration for athletes subject to doping tests.

Equipoise, with its unique properties, has carved a niche in the world of performance enhancement, providing a balanced approach to muscle preservation, endurance, and overall physique enhancement. While not a quick mass builder, it proves valuable for those seeking quality gains and lasting benefits.

In conclusion, Equipoise, an often-overlooked anabolic steroid, offers a fascinating blend of properties that make it a valuable tool in the arsenal of bodybuilders and athletes. Developed initially for veterinary use, it has found its way into human applications, particularly for muscle preservation and lean gains.

Equipoise’s ability to stimulate erythropoiesis, increasing red blood cell production, ensures optimal oxygen delivery to muscles, enhancing performance. It stands as an appealing choice for female athletes due to its limited androgenic effects when used at conservative doses.

The differences between Equipoise and steroids like Dianabol and Deca Durabolin are noteworthy. Equipoise’s long-lasting nature and unique characteristics make it an intriguing addition to various cycles.

With mild side effects and a manageable increase in appetite, this steroid offers flexibility for both cutting and bulking purposes. While it does suppress natural testosterone production, responsible post-cycle therapy helps maintain hormonal balance.

When used judiciously and in conjunction with proper ancillary drugs, Equipoise demonstrates its value in the world of performance enhancement. Its extended detection times may pose challenges for those subject to doping tests. Nonetheless, Equipoise’s distinctive qualities cater to individuals seeking quality muscle gains and overall physical improvement over rapid mass accumulation.

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