Turinabol: Maximizing Gains While Minimizing Side Effects

Turinabol, often referred to as Tbol, is a remarkable oral steroid that marries the efficacy of the legendary dianabol with the safety of anavar. Despite being the lesser-known cousin of dianabol, turinabol is a distinct entity in terms of its effects, applications, and impact on an athlete’s health. Thus, this anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) warrants the spotlight it rightfully deserves.

Historical Evolution

The story of turinabol began with its first scientific documentation in 1962. For over two decades, it was manufactured by Jenapharm, a pharmaceutical company in Eastern Germany. Notably, turinabol was created exclusively for enhancing athletic performance and played a central role in Eastern Germany’s state doping program. Its discreet nature allowed it to be administered to thousands of German athletes until the fall of the Berlin Wall revealed the extent of the doping program. Subsequently, Jenapharm ceased the production of turinabol in 1994. Although Schering AG acquired the company in 1996, turinabol never made a return to the pharmaceutical-grade AAS scene. Nonetheless, underground labs continue to produce turinabol, reflecting its ongoing relevance in bodybuilding.

Turinabol Profile

Turinabol is a derivative of dianabol, having undergone critical chemical modifications, including the addition of a 4-chloro group, which sets it apart from its cousin. This 4-chloro alteration renders turinabol incapable of interacting with the aromatase enzyme, preventing it from converting into estrogen. Consequently, users can enjoy the benefits of anabolic steroids without worrying about estrogenic side effects like water retention, gynecomastia, and elevated blood pressure. This distinct feature also eliminates the need for aromatase inhibitors when using turinabol alone or with non-aromatizing steroids.

Turinabol exhibits minimal binding to the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, diminishing the risk of androgenic side effects like male pattern baldness and acne. Furthermore, turinabol presents a double bond between carbon 1 and 2, further reducing its androgenic activity. As a result, turinabol offers lean, dry gains, with a higher proportion of these gains being maintainable after the cycle.

Turinabol also has a high affinity for binding to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), increasing free testosterone levels in the bloodstream when stacked with other AAS. This property is advantageous because SHBG typically inactivates testosterone, reducing the level of active testosterone. Thus, turinabol becomes an attractive stacking steroid. However, it is essential to note that both dianabol and turinabol share the 17aa structure, which makes them liver toxic.


Turinabol boasts a unique advantage over most anabolic steroids – it is incredibly challenging to detect. Its rapid excretion from the body, estimated at just five days according to anecdotal evidence, coupled with the fact that it was not screened for in the 1970s and 1980s, allowed German athletes to use this AAS without repercussions. This makes turinabol highly convenient for athletes subjected to routine doping controls.

Side Effects

Turinabol stands out as one of the safest steroids in terms of side effects, often drawing comparisons with Anavar and Primobolan. Nonetheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that like all steroids, turinabol is not without side effects. For instance, turinabol, like other steroids, leads to suppression of natural testosterone production, necessitating the inclusion of natural testosterone boosters such as Nolvadex and/or HCGenerate ES during turinabol cycles.

Hepatotoxicity is a prominent side effect of turinabol, as it is a 17aa steroid. Although it is less toxic than Anadrol or Dianabol, it still exerts some strain on the liver. Consequently, liver support supplements should be used during turinabol cycles, and cycle durations should be limited to no more than six weeks. Regular liver checks are also recommended.

Another frequent side effect associated with anabolic steroids is disrupted lipid levels. Turinabol impacts cholesterol levels, lowering HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) and increasing LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein). As a result, close attention to lipid profiles is imperative during turinabol cycles.

Finally, it’s essential to remember that while turinabol has minimal androgenic activity, it can still trigger androgenic side effects in sensitive individuals when taken in extremely high doses.

Female Athletes

Turinabol is a preferred steroid among female users due to its low androgenic activity. Women appreciate turinabol for its lean gains, although the potential for virilization effects remains. Therefore, women should not exceed a daily dosage of 10 milligrams (mg).

Recommended Dosages

For men, an average turinabol dose ranges from 25-50 mg per day, with a few athletes taking up to 60-80 mg daily. However, the additional benefits are not significant enough compared to the added health risks. Due to its hepatotoxicity, turinabol cycles should not exceed six weeks.

Turinabol, often regarded as a cutting steroid, is better described as a “lean gainer” or “clean bulker.” Its unique qualities make it a superb mass gainer, offering lean gains without water retention. Unlike dianabol, turinabol necessitates patience, as the results are steady and stable.

Turinabol serves as an excellent stacking steroid due to its mild side effects, allowing for additional quality mass without notable drawbacks. It pairs well with other steroids, enhancing their effectiveness without exacerbating side effects. The addition of fat-burning agents like N2Slin and/or Cardarine GW can further amplify the effects of turinabol stacks.

Half Life

Turinabol boasts a long half-life of 16 hours, enabling users to take it just once a day. Nevertheless, some athletes opt to split the daily dose into two parts, administered every 12 hours, to maintain steady levels

In conclusion, Turinabol, often referred to as Tbol, is an extraordinary oral steroid that marries the benefits of dianabol with the safety of anavar. Its unique profile, history, and advantages set it apart in the world of anabolic androgenic steroids. With its distinctive chemical structure, including the 4-chloro alteration, turinabol provides lean and dry gains without the concern of estrogenic side effects. Its low androgenic activity and binding to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) make it a valuable stacking steroid, contributing to quality mass gains.

While no steroid is entirely free of side effects, turinabol stands out as one of the safest options, often compared to Anavar and Primobolan in this aspect. The minimal impact on natural testosterone production and relatively low hepatotoxicity make it a preferred choice for many athletes. Nevertheless, responsible use, including liver support and regular monitoring, remains crucial to minimize potential side effects.

For female users, turinabol’s low androgenic activity makes it an attractive choice, but the risk of virilization still exists. Dosages for women should remain conservative to avoid adverse effects.

Turinabol’s convenient dosing, long half-life, and quick excretion from the body have made it a favored steroid among athletes subjected to doping controls. Its challenging detectability adds to its allure for those who require regular testing.

Turinabol’s unique properties and history have earned it a special place. While it may not be as well-known as some other steroids, it continues to be a valuable option for those seeking quality gains without the burden of significant side effects. [addtoany]

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