Anadrol in Bodybuilding: Muscle Growth at Warp Speed

Anadrol, also known as Oxymetholone, Drol, or “A-bombs” is a powerful anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) that yields extreme results and side effects in a remarkably short time. To comprehend how this compound functions and its historical background, we delve into its story.

Historical Evolution

In 1960, the pharmaceutical company Syntex introduced Oxymetholone as a medical substance for various treatments. Over time, the side effects associated with its use began to outweigh the benefits, leading to the development of safer alternatives. Consequently, the manufacturing of Anadrol became unprofitable, and pharmaceutical companies ceased its production. However, in the late 1990s, it was recognized as an effective treatment for HIV/AIDS-related wasting syndrome when managed carefully, prompting its revival. This resurgence was particularly welcomed by athletes and bodybuilders due to Anadrol’s unparalleled potency in the world of AAS.

Anadrol Profile

Oxymetholone, a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), possesses the unique ability to build substantial muscle mass despite being a DHT steroid. It doesn’t convert to estrogen or exhibit progestational activity, mitigating the risk of estrogenic side effects. However, it boasts a significant androgen binding affinity. Being an oral steroid, Anadrol is 17-Alpha-Alkylated (17aa) to survive the first pass through the liver. Consequently, like all 17aa AAS, precautions are necessary to protect the liver using suitable supplements.

Medical Uses

Initially, Anadrol was employed to stimulate growth in children, treat osteoporosis, and combat wasting syndromes of various origins. Its remarkable capacity to increase red blood cell count made it a preferred treatment for severe cases of anemia. However, its side effects soon proved to be more harmful than the diseases themselves. Today, using Anadrol to treat children with this steroid is considered reckless, but back in the day, limited options and insufficient knowledge of its side effects led to its use.

Anadrol in Bodybuilding

In bodybuilding, Anadrol offers rapid and extreme gains, with the positive outcomes far outweighing the side effects. It is renowned as one of the most powerful anabolic steroids, surpassing any comparisons with other compounds. Anadrol excels in providing considerable muscle volume and extraordinary strength, making it the top choice for athletes prioritizing power and mass, such as powerlifters. For athletes in sports with weight categories, like boxing, other steroids like Winstrol or Anavar are favored. Bodybuilders who prefer well-defined muscle mass still use Anadrol alongside other steroids to add muscle hardness.

Cycle Considerations

Anadrol is best suited for experienced athletes, given its potential for significant side effects and rapid size gains. One crucial issue is the possibility of injuring connective tissues as the muscles grow faster than the supporting ligaments can adapt. While water retention helps lubricate connective tissues, special care must be taken to avoid injury.

A well-planned post-cycle therapy (PCT) is imperative for Anadrol users. It’s crucial to stimulate natural testosterone production as much of the mass gained is water retention, which rapidly diminishes after the cycle. To mitigate the loss of gains, incorporating drugs like Clomid, Nolvadex, and others in the PCT is necessary.

Side Effects

Anadrol, despite its remarkable benefits, exhibits significant side effects that manifest quickly. One intriguing side effect is unexplained estrogenic alterations, which remain a mystery to the scientific community. These effects include face bloating, water retention, and gynecomastia. While Anadrol doesn’t aromatize, it is recommended to use selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) like Tomaxifen during an Anadrol cycle to control estrogenic effects.

The most prominent side effect of Anadrol is liver toxicity, as it is an oral c17aa anabolic steroid taken in high dosages. This puts a strain on the liver from the start of the cycle, necessitating the use of liver protectors..

Androgenic side effects, including severe acne, can occur, especially in those prone to baldness. Female athletes are at high risk of virilization symptoms, making Anadrol a risky choice for them.


Anadrol’s half-life varies between 9 and 15 hours. Athletes typically achieve better results when taken twice a day. Dosages range from 1 to 2 pills a day (50-100 mg), with most athletes experiencing outstanding results at 50 mg daily. The cycle should not extend beyond 6 weeks, with four weeks being the recommended duration to avoid potential liver damage.

In conclusion, Anadrol is a formidable yet risky anabolic steroid, providing extreme results within a remarkably short timeframe. Its historical journey from a medical treatment to a revival in the late 1990s for HIV/AIDS-related wasting syndrome showcases its unique properties. Anadrol, derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), delivers massive muscle gains without converting to estrogen or displaying progestational activity. However, it does come with a range of side effects, notably liver toxicity, androgenic effects, and unexplained estrogenic alterations. Careful cycle planning and post-cycle therapy are essential for users seeking to harness the incredible power of Anadrol while minimizing health risks.

For athletes and bodybuilders aiming for rapid, voluminous muscle growth and extraordinary strength, Anadrol is a compelling choice, especially in power-focused sports like powerlifting. While it might not offer the defined muscle mass preferred by some bodybuilders, it remains an invaluable addition to their stacks. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to remember that Anadrol’s effectiveness comes with a need for vigilance, particularly regarding its potential side effects.
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